Spiderman: No Way Home Poster |
Just saw this, and this would be one of the Must-See Movies, if not THE Must-See Movie of the Year 2021. The Tom Holland as Spiderman Movies has been pretty good, the Characterizations, Storytelling, etc. are excellent as usual but what makes this one extra Special is the Premise of the Plot itself.
I would put this one as one of the very best or my Favorite Superhero Movies of all time, right there with X-Men: Days of Future Past and Captain America: The Winter Soldier. I would break down the Movie into around four (4) Acts:
The First Act would be Peter Parker dealing with his newfound Fame and Infamy, how it affected him and those who were close to him, and eventually how he dealt with it.
The next Second Act would the Spiderman Villains as they were the first to come out, and here Alfred Molina, Willem Dafoe and Jaime Foxx shone very brightly, I was transfixed by them together onscreen and interacting with each other. They were simply amazing.
The Third Act would be when the other Peter Parkers or Spidermans came out, and here they absolutely went to Town with what it would be like with them being together. Like for example they talked a lot about Toby Mcguire’s Spiderman was able to generate the Spiderwebs from his Body.
Or how about Tom Holland being able to fight Aliens in Space while Toby only got to do that on Earth, while Andrew Garfield wasn’t able to do any such thing at all.
The Fourth Act would be of course the ending, which is actually a bit dark and sad, but it is how it is, and how it should be.
Overall, I think the Movie did a couple of things, first would be give Tom Holland’s Spiderman a very, very, very graceful exit from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Second is that it also allowed Toby and Andrew to say their goodbyes for their Versions of Peter Parker/Spiderman, something which didn’t happen before.
Moving forward, it seems that there is a future of the Venom Symbiote in Tom Holland’s Universe as a hint of it was given in one of the End Credits. Also they allowed Foxx to talk about a “Black Spiderman”, so we might see that sometime down the Road.
Anyway, if you haven’t seen it yet, I would encourage you to go watch it, it is a Must-See Movie for me.
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