Monday, March 10, 2025

Best Series and Movies on Netflix - February 2025

The Netflix Logo
The Netflix Logo
Here are what I think are the at least watchable to Best Series and Movies that I watched on Netflix for the Month of February6 2025: 

* Surviving Black Hawk Down (2025) Limited Documentary Series – Outstanding, this is a Documentary about the Infamous “Black Hawk Down” Incident that happened in Mogadishu, Somalia back in 1993 where American Helicopters were shot down, and the Battle that happened afterwards to rescue its Crew and Soldiers. This Limited Series being produced by Ridley Scott, the Director of the now famous and Classic Movie about the same Incident a couple of Decades back. It’s great that they also interviewed the Somalis who got to share to the World also their experiences and Views of what happened, even sharing Pictures and Videos from their Side also. The Incident didn’t feel that long ago, but all the People involved in that Incident are old now, even the Baby that was born in one of the Houses where the American Troops hid in. A great Series, a Must-Watch for me and the first great Series on Netflix for the Month of February 2025 for me.

* Cobra Kai (2025) Season Six, Final Season Part Three – Outstanding, the End of an Era, finally after several outstanding Season, the Series ends. The final installment follows the Miyagi-Do and Cobra Kai Dojos as they compete in the prestigious “Sekai Taikai” International Tournament to determine who is the Best Karate Dojo in the World. The first two Episodes were a bit slow, but the last three Episodes picked up the Series to its outstanding Self again.

Cobra Kai is truly the Child of the Streaming Services, being the first on the now defunct “YouTube Red” and then to Netflix where it has always been a “Crown Jewel” of both Services because of its excellent Storytelling, great Characterizations and outstanding Twists. I hate to see it go, but it is also bittersweet because after all these Years, I think they have played out all of the Angles they can possibly make of all the Main Characters in the Series, and so thoroughly that it is really time for a new Series with new Characters to take its Place. So long, Cobrai Kai, you will be missed.  

* Inside the Dojo (2025) Parts One to Three Limited Documentary Series – Outstanding, this is a Documentary, “Behind the Scenes” Series that accompanied the last three Parts of Season Six of the Cobra Kai Series to get the Creative Team and the Actors to share their Views of the Parts and of all the Seasons of the Series in General, sort of like a final Goodbye also by them to the Series as it finally ends. A Must Watch for me, especially if you are a Fan of the Cobra Kai Series, a fitting Send Off to an outstanding Series.

* American Murder: Gabby Petito Limited Documentary Series – Outstanding, this is a Documentary about a Social Media Influencer (mainly on Instagram and YouTube) in the United States (US) who was in an abusive Relationship with her Boyfriend and was eventually murdered. I remember seeing a number of Videos about this on TikTok several Years ago when it happened, it was pretty big then. Just quite a Tragedy, two young People, at the Prime of their Life and should have had Decades of Life ahead of them just extinguished due to Jealousy. Because she was an Influencer, there are a lot of Video and other Materials about her that ended up being used in the Documentary. This is a Must-Watch for me, and a Warning about how far Abusive Relationships can go.

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