Sunday, August 8, 2021

Myth and Mogul: John DeLorean Limited Series (2021) Review

Myth & Mogul: John DeLorean Series Poster by Netflix
Myth & Mogul: John DeLorean Series Poster by Netflix

A decent watch overall. The first Episode was pretty slow, I almost gave up on it, but the next two ones were good enough, giving a good look on who John DeLorean was as a Person. 

I thought he was overrated as an Executive, he did well in a big Company like General Motors, but outside of it his weaknesses showed a lot. He looked too laid back to be a good Manager, he looked always a bit stand offish and out of touch. 

He did have Charisma, but that was about it, and his corrupt nature coupled with extravagant lifestyle eventually led to his downfall.  

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