Thursday, October 21, 2021

Night Teeth (2021) Movie Review

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Just not as good as I had hoped for. It is watchable, the Premise I think was decent, it tried to establish it's own Vampire Mythology like with the Underworld Series, and the Characterizations were pretty good. 

The Setting in glamorous Places were also nice to watch. However, there simply were too many loopholes, like how (Warning, Spoilers) come "Victor" and the other Vampire Families only had a few "Soldiers"? 

What was so special about these 2 Girls that they were able to easily take down the other Vampires? I was hoping they answered that in the Movie, but they didn't.

 On a Side Note, Debby Ryan looks very much like a young Geena Davis to the point that I thought they were closely related, but they're not. 

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