Wednesday, January 11, 2023

My Theories after watching The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch S3

The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch Poster by the History Channel
The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch Poster by the History Channel

I just finished watching Season 3 of the Reality Series “The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch”, and I just wanted to share some of my Theories about what’s happening in that Ranch, so here they are: 

* There are at least two Portals of some sort in the Ranch, they are either Interdimensional or Extraterrestrial Portals, maybe even a combination of both.

* One of the Portals is airborne set at around 1,000 or so meters above the Mesa. Another Portal is ground-based set around Homestead 2.

* The Portals could be powered by whatever Structure is inside that Mesa, that could be the relationship between it and the Portals.

* The Structure buried under the Mesa is likely some sort of a Craft, judging by the analysis of the Metals that were shaved off it and recovered when they tried to drill a hole underneath the Mesa.

* Something is guarding the Portals, judging by the almost constant Malfunctions, Cattle Deaths, sudden Health related Episodes and maybe even the reports of the “Skinwalker” Creatures themselves.

* These “Guardians” manifest themselves as the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) that is constantly being seen whenever an Event happens. Their aim seems to be to keep People away from the Portal Areas as much as possible.

* I suspect that the “Guardians” are some sort of Artificial Intelligence (AI), judging by their consistent and measured reactions to whenever the Portals and the Areas around it are being experimented on. So far none of the Healh-related Problems to Humans have been fatal, so it seems that the aim really is to scare People off rather then kill them.

* The “Guardians” are being operated or triggered thru the mysterious 1.6 Ghz Signal that has been monitored a lot around the Ranch as it usually occurs together with the manifestation of the UAPs.

Season 3 actually concluded in the United States (US) after around the middle of last Year of 2022, but it is shown on a much delayed Telecast on the History Channel in the Philippines. There are still two more Episodes to be shown in the Philippines as of this writing, but I managed to watch those in some other way. 

I think the way moving forward now for the next Season is to find a way to uncover and reveal once and for all what is really underneath that Mesa, which won’t be easy since it is being guarded by the UAPs. 

Anyway, this Series is really very exciting to watch, I hope that it will indeed lead up to a major discovery by the Human Race. 

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