Monday, March 10, 2025

Best Series and Movies on Netflix - February 2025

The Netflix Logo
The Netflix Logo
Here are what I think are the at least watchable to Best Series and Movies that I watched on Netflix for the Month of February6 2025: 

* Surviving Black Hawk Down (2025) Limited Documentary Series – Outstanding, this is a Documentary about the Infamous “Black Hawk Down” Incident that happened in Mogadishu, Somalia back in 1993 where American Helicopters were shot down, and the Battle that happened afterwards to rescue its Crew and Soldiers. This Limited Series being produced by Ridley Scott, the Director of the now famous and Classic Movie about the same Incident a couple of Decades back. It’s great that they also interviewed the Somalis who got to share to the World also their experiences and Views of what happened, even sharing Pictures and Videos from their Side also. The Incident didn’t feel that long ago, but all the People involved in that Incident are old now, even the Baby that was born in one of the Houses where the American Troops hid in. A great Series, a Must-Watch for me and the first great Series on Netflix for the Month of February 2025 for me.

* Cobra Kai (2025) Season Six, Final Season Part Three – Outstanding, the End of an Era, finally after several outstanding Season, the Series ends. The final installment follows the Miyagi-Do and Cobra Kai Dojos as they compete in the prestigious “Sekai Taikai” International Tournament to determine who is the Best Karate Dojo in the World. The first two Episodes were a bit slow, but the last three Episodes picked up the Series to its outstanding Self again.

Cobra Kai is truly the Child of the Streaming Services, being the first on the now defunct “YouTube Red” and then to Netflix where it has always been a “Crown Jewel” of both Services because of its excellent Storytelling, great Characterizations and outstanding Twists. I hate to see it go, but it is also bittersweet because after all these Years, I think they have played out all of the Angles they can possibly make of all the Main Characters in the Series, and so thoroughly that it is really time for a new Series with new Characters to take its Place. So long, Cobrai Kai, you will be missed.  

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Best Series and Movies on Netflix - January 2025

The Netflix Logo
The Netflix Logo
Here are what I think are the at least watchable to Best Series and Movies that I watched on Netflix for the Month of January 2025: 

* Knock at the Cabin (2023) Movie – Good enough to watch, but definitely not a Classic by Director M. Night Shymalan. This is basically an Apocalyptic type of Thriller about a Group of People in Contemporary Times who trap a Single Gender Family of three in the Woods in the hopes of stopping the End of World. I found the Premise to be a bit unrealistic, why would the Fate of Billions of People be left to the Actions of only a very few? Also the attempts at Humor in the Movie just seemed to fall flat on its Face. Watchable, but only if nothing else is around. 

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Best Series and Movies on Netflix - November 2024

The Netflix Logo
The Netflix Logo
Here are what I think are the at least watchable to Best Series and Movies that I watched on Netflix for the Month of November 2024: 

* Babylon (2024) Movie – Outstanding, as usual Netflix starts the Month strong with this excellent Movie. Too bad though that it didn’t perform well in the Box Office, and I can sort of understand that because the first half an hour of the Movie was somewhat chaotic, though it settled into a pretty good Film after that. It also is a pretty long Movie at over three hours long, it makes me wonder if it would’ve better if they made this into a Multi-Part, Limited Series on a Streaming Platform.

The Film is a Drama/Light Comedy about the early Days of Hollywood in the 1920s as the Movie Industry moved from making Silent Movies to ones with Sound, and it turned to be not as easy as it seemed, a lot of adjustments had to be made by everybody in the Industry. Just too bad that many of the Performers were not able to make the adjustment successfully. A Must-Watch for me, especially on a Streaming Platform where you can stop or pause the Movie whenever you want. 

* Countdown: Paul vs. Tyson (2024) Season One Documentary Series – Outstanding, this Series is a Preview of the upcoming Boxing Bout between the young Social Media Influencer Jake Paul and the old Boxing Hall of Famer Mike Tyson that will be shown Live on Netflix. The Series covers a lot about the upcoming Fight, including the Background of both Fighters, how the Match was formulated, their current Preparations, etc. Serves as a great “Appetizer” to the actual Fight itself.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Best Series and Movies on Netflix - October 2024

The Netflix Logo
The Netflix Logo
Here are what I think are the at least watchable to Best Series and Movies that I watched on Netflix for the Month of October 2024: 

* Mr. Mcmahon (2024) Limited Documentary Series – Outstanding, if you are a casual Fan of Entertainment Wrestling, then this is for you as it basically follows not only Vince Mcmahon, but also the history of how he steered the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) Organization to what it is now. Vince may have serious Flaws as a Person, but there is no denying that over the last several Decades he was the Heart and Soul of that Organization and steering it skillfully not only during its most successful Times, but also during its most challenging Times as well. A Must Watch if you have a casual interest in the Sport of Wrestling.

* Unsolved Mysteries Volume Five (2024) Documentary Series – A pretty short Season or “Volume” this time around, only four Episodes. I liked most of it, specifically the ones about the Murder Mystery, Cattle Mutilations and another re-investigation about the Roswell Incident,. The only Episode I didn’t like was the one about the Spiritual Medium who supposedly has a Spirit Guide, it just seemed too fake fake to me, or else they would’ve been solving one Cold Case after the Other. Not a perfect Season, but still good enough to watch

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Best Series and Movies on Netflix - September 2024

The Netflix Logo
The Netflix Logo
Here are what I think are the at least watchable to Best Series and Movies that I watched on Netflix for the Month of September 2024: 

* Chestnut vs. Kobayashi: Unfinished Beef (2024) Sports Event – Outstanding, this is a Showdown between two Legends of the Sport of Hotdog Competitive Eating, namely Joey Chestnut and Takeru Kobayashi to settle once and for all who is the “Greatest” at their Sport. That is the Main Event, but they had two interesting Side Events as well, like a Competitive Eater versus three Olympic Medalists in a Chicken Wing eating Showdown, and a World Record setting for the most Watermelon to be eaten in (I think) four minutes. Very entertaining to watch, a great Way to start off the Month of September 2024, and with some pretty good and funny Hosts.

* Untold: Hope Solo vs. U.S. Soccer (2024) Documentary Movie – Outstanding, the last of three releases of the “Untold” Sports Controversy Series for this Third Quarter of 2024. This is about the Biography of a Hall of Fame Goalkeeper of the United States (US) Women’s National Soccer Team Hope Solo and the Controversies that she was involved in, particularly with the US Soccer Federation (USSF). She had great, exceptional Talent, but also had a rather “colorful” Life. As always, the “Untold” Series on Netflix is one of their very best Documentary Series, it is always a very interesting Watch.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Best Series and Movies on Netflix - August 2024

The Netflix Logo
The Netflix Logo
Here are what I think are the at least watchable to Best Series and Movies that I watched on Netflix for the Month of August 2024: 

* Unsolved Mysteries (2024) Volume Four Documentary Series – Good, a shorter run with only five Episodes compared to the previous Volumes which had eight, but Stories seem a bit more compelling and picked better than before. Three Murder Cases including that of Jack the Ripper, a severed Head and the Mothman Phenomenon make for an interesting watch, true Mysteries that are yet officially unsolved as of now. The next Volume Five is set to be released in October of this Year of 2024.

* Mountain Queen: The Summits of Lhakpa Sherpa (2023) Documentary Movie – Outstanding, this basically an Autobiography of Lhakpa Sherpa, a headstrong Woman who overcame Societal, Economical and Marital Hardships to become a Living Legend in the Climbing Community, being the first Woman to climb to the top of Mount Everest and survive, and is also the current Record Holder for the most Number of “Summits” (climbs to the top) at Everest by a Woman at ten.

As for climbing ability, she just seems to be one of those People who don’t get Altitude Sickness easily, as seen in one instance in the Film, and she also has a very strong determination to succeed and overcome Obstacles. Such an inspiring Story, it’s a bit of a shame that she still remains relatively unknown and still has to work at a Supermarket in the United States (US). I hope that she does get more recognition and Sponsorships soon, especially after this Movie is released Worldwide on Netflix

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Best Series and Movies on Netflix - July 2024

The Netflix Logo
The Netflix Logo
Here are what I think are the at least watchable to Best Series and Movies that I watched on Netflix for the Month of July 2024: 

* Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F (2024) Movie – Outstanding, Netflix kicks off the Month of July 2024 with a Bang with this fourth Installment of the “Beverly Hills Cop” Movie Franchise, with Eddie Murphy back as the Smart mouthed Cop, Axel Foley. One great Thing about this Movie is that it is equal Parts Action, Detective Story and Comedy, with the Humor Part working very well indeed.

Some 80s Nostalgia as expected, and I liked Father-Daughter Team up here, with the Daughter despite being a Contrast to her Father Axel still ending up in some nice, humorous Situations. For those not familiar with the Franchise, it is about a Street smart Cop who ended up having to chase some Cases in the wealthy District of Beverly Hills in Los Angeles, sort of like a “Fish Out of Water” Situation. Excellent, a Must-Watch for me.