Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Covid-19 Luzon Quarantine – March 17, 2020

Streets mostly empty, very few Public Transportation in sight.

A day after President Rodrigo Duterte declared an “Enhanced Community Quarantine” covering the entire island of Luzon as a response to the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) outbreak, I went out and there was no Public Transportation available as per the guidelines.

No Pedicabs, Tricycles, Jeepneys, Mini-Buses, etc., very few other Public Transportation around. So to buy something, you either had to walk to the store, or use your own Private Transportation. My biggest concern was getting cash since the nearest outlet with an Automated Teller Machine (ATM) or accepts direct debit from my ATM/Debit Card was at the SM Mall which was a good 25 minute away.

So I went there, there were only a few Vehicles on the Road, and stocked up on a good amount of cash. The mall was closed except for the Grocery and the few Eateries around it. The lines to the Cashiers were very long, so I decided to just buy stuff from the stores along the way home.

I’m not worried about running out of food since there are three 24/7 Convenience Stores within walking distance of my home, plus around a dozen smaller Sari-Sari Stores. I’m particularly worried about the Elderly and the Sick who aren’t able to travel long distances on foot or who do not have their own Transportation.

Sign at a Ministop Convenience Store near our place

On the way home I saw a couple of people carrying Groceries and large Bags. I think they shouldn’t have banned Pedicabs and Tricycles, those generally travel only short distances and contain only a few Passengers.

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