Thursday, September 5, 2024

Best Series and Movies on Netflix - August 2024

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The Netflix Logo
Here are what I think are the at least watchable to Best Series and Movies that I watched on Netflix for the Month of August 2024: 

* Unsolved Mysteries (2024) Volume Four Documentary Series – Good, a shorter run with only five Episodes compared to the previous Volumes which had eight, but Stories seem a bit more compelling and picked better than before. Three Murder Cases including that of Jack the Ripper, a severed Head and the Mothman Phenomenon make for an interesting watch, true Mysteries that are yet officially unsolved as of now. The next Volume Five is set to be released in October of this Year of 2024.

* Mountain Queen: The Summits of Lhakpa Sherpa (2023) Documentary Movie – Outstanding, this basically an Autobiography of Lhakpa Sherpa, a headstrong Woman who overcame Societal, Economical and Marital Hardships to become a Living Legend in the Climbing Community, being the first Woman to climb to the top of Mount Everest and survive, and is also the current Record Holder for the most Number of “Summits” (climbs to the top) at Everest by a Woman at ten.

As for climbing ability, she just seems to be one of those People who don’t get Altitude Sickness easily, as seen in one instance in the Film, and she also has a very strong determination to succeed and overcome Obstacles. Such an inspiring Story, it’s a bit of a shame that she still remains relatively unknown and still has to work at a Supermarket in the United States (US). I hope that she does get more recognition and Sponsorships soon, especially after this Movie is released Worldwide on Netflix

* A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder (2024) Season One Series – Good, a pretty decent Murder Mystery Series with a relatively fast Pace with its only six Episodes for Season One, with some interesting Twists and Thrills of its own. Set in a small Town in the United Kingdom (UK) where a Teenager together with her Friends investigate the death of one of their Schoolmates that happened Years before. Stars Emma Myers from the “Wednesday” Series.

* The Boy Band Con: The Lou Pearlman Story (2019) Documentary Limited Series – Outstanding, this is the real Life Story of Lou Pearlman who is the founder of what turned out to be some of the most successful Boy Bands in the History of Pop Music like “The Backstreet Boys (TBB)” and “N’Sync”, but he himself turned out to be hiding some dark Secrets of his own. I also liked them showing the backstory and some of the earliest Clips of the TBB and N’Sync, it showed how far they had come. Lou’s Criminal Activities was unveiled near the end of the short Series, and for People like me who are not that familiar with him, I think it will come as a total surprise. This is one of the better Documentaries on Netflix recently. 

* Mission: Cross (2024) Movie – Pretty good, this is a South Korean Production Action-Comedy Thriller set mainly in South Korea about a domineering Detective Woman and his seemingly docile Househusband who ended up getting involved trying to stop a Syndicate who was stealing Money from Defense Contracts. The Action Scenes were pretty good, but it is with the Comedy Scenes where this Movie really excelled the most, I wished there were a lot more of them, and I hope they will be making a Sequel to this Movie soon.

* Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire (2024) Movie – Watchable, a mixed Bag for me for this Movie. Some Aspects of it worked, like some of the Humor was pretty good, and the new Additions contributed well to the Movie. But the other Aspects didn’t work as much, like the Plot for example and other Scenes which seemed like something we’ve already seen in the previous Ghostbusters Movie but was then just rehashed again. Some Parts of the Movie also seemed to just have been executed half-heartedly, with not a lot of Enthusiasm behind them.

Bill Murray seem to be getting a bit too old already for Movies, he’s not as spritely anymore as he used to in Terms of his Demeanor and Movements, I think if he’s not retiring after this Movie, then he will and should soon. Anyway it is watchable, but simply just not that great. As for the Plot Summary, this is set mainly in the United States (US) during contemporary times, and is about a Group of People who hunt and trap Ghosts, but ended up fighting an Ancient, Supernatural Villain with the Power to freeze everything in sight that was unleashed to the World. 

* The Umbrella Academy (2024) Season Four, Final Season – Okay, after an Outstanding Season Two and Season Three, I am a bit sad to see this Series now on its Final Season, but sadder still that it is not going out on a great Send Off. The Writing for this Season Four is noticeably not as strong as the last two Seasons, it seems as if they were just going thru the Motions of finally ending the Series. What made Things sort of tolerable was that was a particularly short Season, only six Episodes instead of the ten Episodes in the past three Seasons.

The Final Scenes were pretty good, though, a Tribute to the other Side Characters and Villains from the entire Series, and some Behind the Scenes Photos of the Actors and Actresses all through of previous Years of the Series. As for the Plot Summary, this is about a group of People with Superhuman Abilities who are not related but raised together as a Family, and who had to stop an Event that would bring about the End of World. 

* The Union (2024) Movie – Okay, not great but good enough to watch. This is supposed to be an Action-Comedy-Thriller, but the Humor is just so-so. Some of the initial Action Scenes were really good, as in “John Wick”-level good, though this tapered down a bit towards the End. The Thrills and Twists are decent but nothing spectacular.

The Movie is about a Down-to-Earth, Blue-collar Worker who was hired by his High School Girlfriend to work for a secretive Spy Organization to stop a Criminal Plot. Stars Mark Wahlberg, Halle Berry and J.K. Simmons. Berry sort of looked "Out of Touch" or too aloof in many of the Scenes, though she did very well in the Action Segments

* Ticket to Paradise (2022) Movie – Good enough to watch, but mediocre overall. This is a Romantic Comedy (RomCom) about a Couple who wants to sabotage their Daughter’s Wedding that is being set in a Foreign Country. Stars George Clooney and Julia Roberts, there are some funny Scenes, but not a lot, and the Chemistry between Clooney and Roberts just falls awfully flat. It is mostly set in the beautiful and exotic Province of Bali in Indonesia where they also got to hire a good number of Indonesian Actors and Actresses there, which is just about one of the few good Things about the Movie. Skippable if there are better Movies around to watch.

* Emily in Paris (2024) Season Four Part One – Outstanding, as always, one of Netflix’s “Gems”. The best Thing about it is the Humor, it has always been consistently funny. I also love that this is basically an Expat Fantasy Series, she is good at her Job, she gets good Pay and gets to work in a foreign, exotic Country. The Problems that she has are always not that hard and she is able to always manage it effectively in her favor. 

* Untold: The Murder of Air McNair (2024) Documentary Movie – Outstanding, another excellent addition in the “Untold” Series on Netflix, which is a Documentary Series specializing in Sports Tragedies. I’ve been watching this since last Year of 2023, I think it is one of Netflix’s very best Series. The Stories and the way they tell them is always just very compelling. I am not a big Fan of American Football so I don’t know who “Air McNair” is, but this Documentary not only discussed his Murder but also what were his most important Legacies in his Sport. This is just the first of three Episodes that the new Season of the Untold Series will be releasing in the next Days or Weeks, so I am looking forward to watch the other two Episodes as well.

* Untold: Sign Stealer (2024) Documentary Movie – Outstanding, as usual, another excellent Documentary Movie about another Sports Controversy from the “Untold” Series, this one showing the Violation of the “Sign Stealing” Rules supposedly made by a Person on the Coaching Staff of the University of Michigan in the United States (US) during the last several Years. The Term “Sign Stealing” refers to the Study of the opposing Team’s Hand and Body Gestures which they use to relay their Play Instructions during American Football Games. This Practice is highly regulated, it is allowed in some Ways but not in others like scouting in Advance by recording Games when neither Team is involved.

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