Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Best Series and Movies on Netflix - October 2024

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The Netflix Logo
Here are what I think are the at least watchable to Best Series and Movies that I watched on Netflix for the Month of October 2024: 

* Mr. Mcmahon (2024) Limited Documentary Series – Outstanding, if you are a casual Fan of Entertainment Wrestling, then this is for you as it basically follows not only Vince Mcmahon, but also the history of how he steered the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) Organization to what it is now. Vince may have serious Flaws as a Person, but there is no denying that over the last several Decades he was the Heart and Soul of that Organization and steering it skillfully not only during its most successful Times, but also during its most challenging Times as well. A Must Watch if you have a casual interest in the Sport of Wrestling.

* Unsolved Mysteries Volume Five (2024) Documentary Series – A pretty short Season or “Volume” this time around, only four Episodes. I liked most of it, specifically the ones about the Murder Mystery, Cattle Mutilations and another re-investigation about the Roswell Incident,. The only Episode I didn’t like was the one about the Spiritual Medium who supposedly has a Spirit Guide, it just seemed too fake fake to me, or else they would’ve been solving one Cold Case after the Other. Not a perfect Season, but still good enough to watch

* Confess, Fletch (2022) Movie – Outstanding, I’m a Fan of the first two “Fletch” Movies which starred Chevy Chase, I believed I watched them both on the Betamax Machine before. This latest one did away with Chase, he didn’t even make a Cameo that I know of, and the new Actor in the Lead Role Jon Hamm brought his own Interpretation to the Character. This Movie is a Mystery and Comedy about a Journalist who goes around solving Crime, this time bringing him to Italy and the United States (US). Great Characterizations, interesting Twists and some Funny Moments make this one worthwhile to watch. 

* The Platform Two (2024) Movie – Outstanding, this second Movie in “The Platform” Series, this is a Suspense/Thriller that continues to be as thought-provoking as the previous one, cementing the Series as one of Netflix’s most important and outstanding original Work. Unlike the previous Movie which mainly chaotic, this time there was more order to the Platform, thanks to the set of “Rules” that was established by a Cult-like Personality and its Followers. This time, this Movie explores the other side of the extreme, of Fanaticism to a belief. Just watching it on its own will reveal some nice Twists, but I admit that I had to go and read a “Movie Ending Explained” Article to learn and notice even more Twists. Nevertheless, this should still be a proud moment again for Netflix Fans.

* Breaking the Silence: The Maria Soledad Case (2024) Documentary Movie – Outstanding, this about the killing of a Teenage Girl named Maria Soledad from a Catholic School in the 1990s in the City of Catamarca in Argentina which eventually triggered a Protest Movement, turning it into a National Issue since the Son of two Prominent Politicians at that time was involved. As usual with most of Netflix’s Documentaries, the storytelling was very compelling, at it was told mostly by the People who were closely involved in the Case. Perhaps the most moving Scene for me was near the End, the Maria’s Classmates had a Mini-Reunion recently, they were all in their Fifties already looking back at the Life of their Classmate who never had the chance to live the rest of it like they did. A Must-Watch for me

* Trouble (2024) Movie – Outstanding, this is about a Man who accidentally got involved in a Murder, and now must free himself from Jail to find the real Murderer and bring it to Justice. It’s a pretty effective Comedy-Crime Thriller, it’s also a Swedish Production so we get to see some of the Places there, including their Famous (or is it “Infamous”) luxurious Prison Cells. The Production Values, Acting, Dialogue, etc. are all Hollywood-level or caliber, expect of course the original Language of the Movie is Swedish. Must Watch, one of the better Movies on Netflix for this Month of October 2024.

* Ancient Apocalypse: The Americas (2024) Documentary Series – Outstanding, a great second Season as Graham Hancock again explores some of the Mysteries of the Ancient World as he puts forward his Theory of an Ancient Civilization that helped spread Civilization through the World. This time his focus is on the Americas. Some of the Evidences he gathers are pretty convincing, like the Irregular, Polygonal Walls” which were found on several Sites around the World. Not sure though if Hancock will really be able to find more evidence to support his Theory, but this still made for an intriguing Season.

* Woman of the Hour (2024) Movie – Outstanding, a pretty effective Thriller about an aspiring Actress who got into a Dating Show where it turns out that one of the Bachelors turned out to be a Serial Killer. But it’s not just about the Actress, we also get a good look at some of the Victims of the Killer and how they were victimized. This is the Directorial Film Debut of Anna Kendrick, who also plays the Lead Character of the Movie, and I am so very glad to see it turned out to be a very good one. A Must Watch for me, another great original Movie for Netflix for this Month of October of 2024.

* Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance (2024) Season One Animated Series – Outstanding, great Storytelling and Characterizations, interesting Plot told from the Point of View of the Gundam’s Opponents, not from the ones who operate it. This is a Science Fiction (SF) Drama set in the Future about a War between Space-faring Humans and those who are on Earth, and where the Battlefield is ruled by giant Robots.

The three-dimensional Computer-generated Animation really make the Action Scenes more intense and exciting to watch. The Series actually has sort of an Anti-War Message, but because the Battle Parts are so good, I felt it sort of negated that Message. My only Complaint is that the Facial Expressions are noticeably a bit too limited, which sorts of ends up as a Distraction at times

* The Turnaround (2024) Documentary Short Film – Outstanding, this is a short, 25 minute Film about how a Baseball Fan started a Campaign of Positive Reinforcement to help inspire a high-price Player on the Team he was cheering for that was having a Slump, and ultimately “turned around” the Player and his Team’s Fortunes. Produced by Barrack and Michele Obama.

* Don’t Move (2024) Movie – Outstanding, this is a Suspense/Thriller about a Woman who was injected with a Paralyzing Chemical by a Killer which she just happened to randomly meet at a Place. With some nice Twists and Turns, an excellent Movie to watch, one of the Best on Netflix for this Month of October and probably for the entire Year of 2024.

* The Manhattan Alien Abduction (2024) Limited Documentary Series – Good enough to watch, this is about a Case in the 1980s about a Woman who claimed that she had been abducted by Aliens in the City of New York in the United States (US). The more Interesting Backstory here is about the Love Triangle that ended up between the Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) Researcher, his Wife and the Alien Abductee. The Wife eventually became a Skeptic about the whole Incident, and the many supposed Witnesses turned out to be unreliable, except for a very few who were interviewed in the Series.

Personally for me, the only Evidence of the Abduction is by Eyewitness Accounts which are not very reliable, and it seems that the Woman Abductee had at least embellished the Case, and at worst it really was just a big Hoax by someone who was having a Mid-Life Crisis and wanted to be in the Limelight.

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